Hello Attendees of
"The Truth About Remarkable Relationships!"

Note From Nikki
Hi, I'm Nikki! A former collegiate, professional athlete, Broadway performer, TV personality, a proud University of Virginia Alum (Go Hoos!), publicist by trade, owner of the Harlem All-Stars (children's) Theater Group, fitness expert and certified personal trainer for 20 years. I’m also an amazing girlfriend to Billy, a fitness entrepreneur, real estate agent and a para-triathlete who eight years ago was in a near tragic motorcycle accident that resulted in his left leg being amputated above the knee. Billy’s tragedy although not my personal story was OUR emotional and triumphant journey during and after the accident. I, an entrepreneur whose life’s work and passion is about being fit and supporting others to be fit gained 40 pounds. Life was so that I felt I had to do more and in the process I left no room for me.
HOW? Stress, living in the past, people pleasing, being everything to everybody and not leaving anything for myself. Killing myself to be the best at work and at home, pretending and inauthenticity took me out of the game and had me so full of excuses that I didn’t even recognize myself!
I was all about that “invisible workload;” you know, being the worrier, organizer, “rememberer,” attention-payer and the list goes. And remind you I wasn’t doing any of this for myself. And we all know that when you’re not taking care of yourself you eventually have nothing to give. And I slowly began to get down and goals all around were not being met.
It wasn’t the physical that was keeping me from getting to my goals… It wasn't the nutrition... It was the lack of self-care that had my mindset all twisted, it trickled to my emotions and I wasn’t spiritually feeding my soul. And with the doctor bills and the managing of the unknown about my partner's health and recovery, I became disconnected, feeling overwhelmed by the important decisions that had to be made and my finances were drowning me.
As a women in my early 40’s, It had become deeper than the physical. Don’t get me wrong, I still wanted to look and feel good physically and... I was just tired, burnt out, feeling under-appreciated and unable to present my best. And the fitness guru that once jumped to run a 10K, a marathon, and lift weights at the gym, began to give the side-eye to everything related to fitness and the pounds just kept on coming.
I needed more. I knew I needed to hit the reset button or I was going to crash. Therefore, I decided to stop and pivot. shift. I realized it wasn't just me that felt this way. Through my personal experiences and speaking with clients and friends, it was deeper than the 40 pounds. Whether it’s 40 pounds, 80 or 20 pounds, life happens. Life starts “life--ing.” Yeah, I said “life--ing,” you know that feeling when you feel like every way you turn in life things are just not going the way you would like. Then you get overwhelmed and of course the first thing that goes is self-care. Life coach and author Susan Hyatt says “Self-care is a business plan.” She says it’s “important to ask for help, assemble a squad and create more time for yourself.”
So I asked for help, began to assemble a team and as I began to create more time for myself, It was clear I needed to put “me” as a priority. I needed to take the advice that I give to my clients. “So how do I do that?” I asked myself. And then it dawned on me, "I get to become the client." And as the client, I began to FIND MY FIT! I discovered that fitness meant being fit physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and so much more. Being fit has been about me loving myself and doing things that make me feel amazing. I realized that sometimes I just needed “more.” And that "more" ended up being me putting myself first. Once I started doing that, the journey began.
When you put yourself first, you get in-tune with your mindset, your thoughts and your purpose and you are able to live your best life in the midst of it all! And in the midst of it all, I am grateful. Whereas I’m sad about what’s going on in the world right now, I am grateful to have been able to slow down and refuel; reconnect with Billy and myself; and continue to connect with family and friends even it's via zoom. (wink)
I’m grateful for life, Billy, the lessons learned and for the pounds. It was the knock at the door that I needed to put "me" first! I am discovering my purpose again, regaining energy and that zest for life. And, I'm able to guide my clients in filling that void so they find their completeness.